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This is a bugfix release.

As always, there will be no incompatible protocol changes until version 2.0. A
client written for version 1.4.4 will work unmodified with any later 1.x
release of beanstalkd.

What's New

 * Added missing YAML document separator to stats-job output.
 * More reliable unit tests.
 * Fixed a memory leak in the list-tubes-watched command.
 * Allow underscore in tube names.
 * Run network unit tests only if the loopback interface is configured.
 * Clean up temporary files (fiu fifos) from unit tests.
 * Fixed issue #34, which caused beanstalkd to terminate unexpectedly on Snow

Full list of changes in this release (includes authorship information):

Our Urls

Download the 1.4.4 tarball directly:

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